fre. 30. aug.
Workshop: The Rested You
Welcome to an evening of gathering, exploring & resting at Hvila. Prepare to be supported through an experiential guide to the stress/rest cycle and the healing powers of Deep Rest. Hosted by Claudia Menger and Rachel Brownbridge.
Tid og sted
30. aug. 2024, 17:15 – 19:45
Fredrikstad, Storgata 4, 1607 Fredrikstad, Norge
Om arrangementet
Welcome to an evening of gathering, exploring & resting at Hvila, with Rachel Brownbridge and Claudia Menger. Prepare to be supported through an experiential guide to the stress/rest cycle and the healing powers of Deep Rest.
What to expect
In this 2.5-hour journey, we’ll combine the research-led with the subtle mind-body connection. We combine movement with rest, through yoga nidrā and shared experience - all to help you access that steady place within called Home. This session is for everyone who wishes to simplify their relationship with Stress and learn the potential in Rest.
Who we are
Rachel and Claudia are the creators of Scandinavia’s most comprehensive Yoga Nidra and Deep Rest teacher training, as well as the Rested You programs, workshops and retreats that aim to help everyone get a little more rested. They’re here to break the cycle of work hard, play hard and shift the narrative around Rest. Welcome to this workshop with you at Hvila.